Undercover Boss: Preventative Medicine for Businesses | Immigration Compliance Group

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

By: Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

One of my favorite television shows is Undercover Boss. If you’re unfamiliar with the show, the premise is: a CEO/President takes on a disguise to go undercover within their own business to find ways to (1) become more successful and (2) reward hardworking employees. Obviously, there is an essential element of Hollywood magic that prevents most of us from going “undercover” within our own business; but the lessons learned from this show are no less valuable.

Every episode begins with a slightly troubled, but optimistic executive. They instruct their trusted board of directors that they will be resigning from the company to go undercover as an employee over a week’s time in various lower levels of the company, entry-level to management. The goal is to see their business from a fresh perspective. A series of uncomfortable and often illegal encounters ensue where CEOs face discrimination, harassment and even get fired by their own employees. At the end of the hour-long television program, CEOs reward key employees and have “new and improved tools” to develop successful business practices.

There is a better way for your business to experience the same fresh perspective without shaving your head and slapping on a boar’s hair mustache; it’s called an audit. Yes the feared “audit” is most commonly associated with frightful agencies like the IRS and ICE. Yet, Undercover Boss is simply Hollywood’s version of a voluntary audit. In order to become more successful, discovering discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination within your own business is necessary. The alphabet agencies (ICE, IRS, DOJ, DOL) insist that companies perform annual audits to comply with a multitude of legal formalities. Not only will audits improve business efficiencies and reveal valuable employees, but it will also save your company thousands of dollars for failing a government ICE initiated audit.

The Immigration Compliance Group has years of auditing and consulting experience and a touch of Hollywood magic! Before you invest in your own set of wigs and costumes, contact one of our immigration professionals to discuss I-9 compliance and workforce related issues. Discover how audit prevention and a fresh set of eyes can improve your business.  Contact us for support in planning and implementing legally sound solutions to protect your company’s future:  562 612.3996 |

Link up with us in our group, I-9/E-Verify:  Smart Solutions for Employers and stay informed:

DHS Announces 1,000 new I-9 Audits

Monday, November 30th, 2009

[Courtesy of Tracker Corp]    On November 19, 2009, DHS announced issuance of 1,000 additional I-9 Audit notices to employers across the country, focusing in particular on those providing critical infrastructure and other key resources. This is on top of the 654 I-9 audit notices issued earlier this year. Speaking at a workforce symposium in Washington, DC, Assistant Secretary John Morton (of Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE]) reiterated the agency’s commitment to creating a culture of voluntary compliance through aggressive investigations and outreach programs. Assistant Secretary Morton also provided recent statistics, showing the increased level of investigations and fines:

Enforcement Since April 30, 2009 All of FY 2008
Form I-9 Inspections 1,069 503
Total Fines Assessed $15,865,181 (142 notices) $2,355,330 (32 notices)
Final Orders $798,179 (45 orders) $196,523
Cases Initiated 1,897 605
Debarred from federal contracts 45 businesses/47 individuals 0 businesses/1 individual

DHS also released statistics from the 654 notices sent in July 2009. The ICE agents identified roughly 14,000 suspect documents, assessed over $2 million in fines, and issued warnings to 326 employers.

We link to the press release announcing these findings.  We link to more details on the locations of the 1,000 companies in the latest round of audits

H-1B Employer Site Inspections

Friday, October 16th, 2009

A Compliance Review Report was recently released in support of the Administrative Site Visit Verification Program to assist inspectors. The report outlines the  type of information USCIS is seeking when site visits are conducted.  We note that if an individual requests the presence of an attorney, and an attorney is not immediately available, the site visit is terminated.  Remember, a subpena is not required by the FDNS in order to complete an inspection because USCIS governs the fling of immigration petitions, and the government is permitted to take testimony and conduct broad investigations relating to pending petitions.

The inspectors are looking at the overall appearance of the facility, whether or not there was a representative of authority available to speak with them, whether or not the facility appears to be a legitimate business – and more.  We link to the Report and to an AILA Practice Pointer Article about FDNS (The Office of Fraud, Detection and National Security).

Please feel free to contact Immigration Solutions with any questions if you require assistance with work site compliance of any kind.