Posts Tagged ‘live web chat’

“Retrogression in 2009” Worldwide Live Web Chat with

Friday, January 16th, 2009

January 15, 2009 – We are very pleased to announce that Immigration Solutions will be co-moderating the 1/21/2009 “Retrogression in 2009” Worldwide Live Web Chat with for Employers, Foreign Nurses and Staffing Professionals.

Immigration Solutions Healthcare Supervising Attorney, Thomas Joy, will be available to answer your questions and address your concerns online. Please follow the registration instructions provided below by and submit the questions that you’d like answered by 1/19/09 to

When: January 21, 2009
Time:  9am – 11am EST
Where: Register at
Topic: “Retrogression in 2009”

Is lifting of retrogression on the horizon for 2009?

We know all of you are as anxious about this as we are.  We are more hopeful than in recent past years that lifting of retrogression will occur during 2009, for the following reasons:

  • In recent years very positive bi-partisan legislation has been proposed in Congress.  Unfortunately, we have been saddled with an enforcement oriented environment, totally absorbed with the presidential election that distracted the issue, coupled with the economic downturn.  We anticipate similar legislation to be re-introduced in the new Congress with less interference from outside factors this time around
  • Because healthcare, like national security, is a critical issue.  Without adequate, qualified healthcare workers the entire system is adversely affected; and
  • Historically, Congress has addressed the shortage of healthcare workers periodically in the past

So, please participate in the upcoming web-chat where we will focus on Retrogression and address, amongst other issues,

  • When will retrogression lift?
  • When it does lift, how much longer will it takes to get the nurses to the USA?
  • If you’re an employer, you’re probably wondering, how can I deal with retrogression now?

…Looking forward to meeting up with you.

Leslie Davis, Managing Director