Posts Tagged ‘ICE Audit’

I-9 Audit Case Study

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Ketchikan Drywall Services (KDS), a drywall and framing company in Washington, was found to have committed 225 separate I-9 violations for which they were fined  $173,250 ($770/each) discovered during an ICE I-9 audit.

ICE subpoenaed employees’ I-9s and supporting documentation dating back 3+ years.  KDS initially provided approximately 454 I-9 forms with ‘some’ supporting documentation.  More than a year later, KDS provided another 81 I-9 forms, totaling 535.

ICE issued a NOI (Notice of Intent) to fine 271 I-9 form violations for a fine of $286,000.  KDS disputed the fine, the case went before OCAHO (Office of the Chief Administrative Law Hearing Officer) who rigidly found no reason at the time to reduce the fine.

With over 250 violations, there were obviously a number of issues, such as:

1)      Were employees recalled from layoff or rehired?  The company hired a lot of seasonal employees.  If you are recalling from layoff, there is no need for a new I-9 form.  If you’re rehiring, then Section 3 needs to be filled out (if rehired within 3 years), or a new I-9 form.

2)      Whether supporting documentation was sufficient when the I-9 has none of the information filled out in Section 2?  The Administrative Law Judge stated that the supporting documentation could only be reviewed if there was human error in transcribing information onto the I-9 form.

3)      Whether late production of a permanent resident card alleviates a substantive violation for no status box being checked when the Section 1 was originally filled out; and whether certain recorded information in Section 1 can alleviate a substantive violation for failing to check a status box or more than one status box?  There were a number of issues with employees who failed to check a status box for citizen, permanent resident, or authorized to work or who failed to write in any information.  The fact that the employer later presented LPR cards, was of no value – it was still considered a substantive violation.  If the citizen box was checked with permanent resident or authorized to work, it was considered a substantive violation because the checked boxes are contrary to each other.

There were a number of other violations such as:

4)     Failure to sign the form

5)      Failure to list any or all the necessary information in List A, B or C

6)      Acceptance of improper documentation

Overall, there were 271 I-9 forms with substantive violations out of 535 presented I-9s –  50% of the I-9s, $110 to $935 per violation.  They got hit with a fine at the top of the range, $935.  ICE indicated that they could be fined $286K.

In the end, the ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) found that ICE proved 225 substantive violations in the 535 I-9 forms for a 42% violation rate, which equated to a base fine of $770 per I-9, or $173,250.

This case represents a prime example of what we see in our I-9 audit practice whether you have a diverse workforce or not, clerical errors and oversights play a huge part in the process and they equate to technical and substantive errors – an exceedingly expensive outcome for something that can be averted with the development of a compliance program that works for your business, with regular audits and training.

We link to the Final Decision and Order

Check out our group on LinkedIn, I-9 Smart Solutions for Employers.

Immigration Compliance Group Highlights Customized Employment Eligibility Solutions

Monday, October 17th, 2011

For Immediate Distribution

ICE announces record breaking 375% increase since 2008 in I-9 Form Audits – $36.6M this year in fines and forfeitures.

Long Beach, CA, October 17, 2011.  Employers must be proactive regarding worksite compliance matters.  Immigration-related employment regulations are complicated.  The truth is, it’s difficult for employers to keep up with the ever-changing world of employment laws and compliance issues. Even if you have a fully staffed human resources department, many critical compliance issues can go overlooked, such as formal training, audits and executive oversight that end up getting bumped for more pressing needs.

If you keep putting off a Form I-9 audit, you could most certainly find yourself in the middle of a complex investigation or lawsuit that will take center stage very quickly, that could have been avoided with some basic preventive maintenance.

“Our clients tell us that they award our bids and proposals because we have a process that we walk them through that is strategically planned and implemented, easily understood and efficient – from getting prepared for an outside audit, followed by targeted training and policy review and development that ensures the establishment of a successful compliance program. Continued education and information is available through our extensive outreach via monthly newsletters, client alerts, blog and social media.  Our suite of services and solutions are comprehensively packaged to bring sustainable results to our clients,” explained Leslie Davis, Managing Director of Immigration Compliance Group.

Immigration Compliance Group assists their clients with developing and implementing comprehensive tools, processes and standard operating procedures that enable them to remain committed to ongoing employment verification compliance.  “The reality is that the odds of encountering a Form I-9 audit have skyrocketed because of a pervasive business enforcement climate,” she added.  Now is the time to assess your weaknesses and minimize your liability.

Press Contact, Leslie Davis

Email: and

562 612.3996


Immigration Compliance Group focuses its practice on corporate employment verification compliance and US and Canadian inbound business immigration. Our team has a depth of experience in providing uniquely tailored services and solutions to assist clients in developing comprehensive employment authorization and immigration-related compliance. We conduct onsite and offsite partial and full I-9 audits for companies of all sizes, design training curriculum to assure that staff is knowledgeable concerning the management of their I-9 program, and we assist with policy development so that our clients have a plan and strategy that assures their compliance in a manner that makes sense for their business and evidences their good faith effort in establishing a compliant workforce.

ICE Starts Major I-9 Audit Nationwide

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is launching a bold, new audit initiative by issuing Notice of Inspections (NOI’s) to 652 businesses nationwide – which is more than ICE issued throughout all of last year.  The notices alert business owners that ICE will be inspecting their hiring records (I-9s) to determine whether or not they are complying with employment eligibility verification laws and regs.

ICE stated in a July 1st News Release, “Employers are required to complete and retain a Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the US.  This form requires employers to review and record the individual’s identity document(s) and determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and related to the individual”.

Contact Immigration Solutions for guidance on I-9 audits, transitioning to electronic storage, E-Verify training and procedures.  Now is the time to get your I-9 and employer compliance program in order. We have an experienced, excellent team to assist you.

We link to the ICE News Release

USCIS Handbook for Employers