Posts Tagged ‘I-9 Electronic Storage’

I-9/E-Verify | Important Electronic Vendor Guidance

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

A story hit the news last week concerning a dispute between two electronic I-9 software providers where outsourcing I-9 software to a third party vendor was involved.  One of the parties wished to cancel its reseller agreement requesting that all I-9 data be returned to its customers.  In so doing, it was revealed that they would have to pay a rather high fee to obtain their customer’s I-9 data in a usable format.  Additionally, it was revealed that the 3rd party provider had already been directly soliciting the other vendor’s clients to enter into a new I-9 and E-Verify service agreement.  Unable to resolve their differences, a lawsuit was filed on June 27, 2011, seeking an injunction to require the 3rd party vendor, USVerify, to return its clients’ I-9 data in a reasonably usable and accessible format and to cease and desist from using or disclosing any confidential client information.

In light of the unraveling of this story, it brings clearly to the forefront the importance of being able to access your I-9 and E-Verify data because the employers who are customers of the vendor who is cancelling the reseller agreement, are unable to access their I-9 data at the present time. So, unless they have saved the data in another format or system, it can be assumed that if they were served with an ICE Notice of Inspection (NOI), they would not be able to comply with the NOI’s strict deadlines.

There are several I-9 software vendors in the marketplace, some good, some not.  This includes stand-alone providers that focus solely on I-9/E-Verify, in addition to “all-in-one” providers that offer electronic I-9 software that integrates with the employer’s personnel management software and employment screening/background check applications.

Apparently many all-in-one systems “outsource” the I-9 and E-Verify service to a third party vendor under a “reseller agreement.”  The reseller agreement governs the terms of use and other vital details regarding accessibility of the employer’s I-9 records. Given the rash of recent I-9 audits throughout the country, it is more important than ever for employers to very closely examine these arrangements to ensure that your best interests are protected.

It is not advisable for an employer to rely strictly on a vendor’s representations concerning their products and system compliance as these representations will not protect or insulate you from liability. Employers must undertake independent due diligence to ensure the system they choose complies with the applicable regulations.

If you are using a background screening provider, applicant tracking system, or all-in-one solution, it is imperative that you perform due diligence to ensure they you will have unrestricted access to your I-9 and E-Verify data, especially in the event the reseller agreement is terminated or if the you wish to terminate the agreement with your vendor.

We would recommend asking the following questions:

  • Who owns the I-9 E-Verify data under the terms of the agreement?
  • Can the employer request a backup of the electronic I-9 and E-Verify data at no or little cost?
  • How often can the employer request such a backup and in what format will it be delivered?
  • What happens if the vendor closes shop or decides to assign the data to another provider?

Lastly, we remind you that there are specific regulatory electronic I-9 requirements that affect almost every aspect of a vendor’s system and relationship.  These requirements are often confusing and unclear, and you should be encouraged to discuss these issues with experienced immigration counsel to ensure that your I-9 electronic system is compliant with enforcing agencies in all respects.

The American Immigration Attorneys Association (AILA) published an excellent article on the Minimum Requirements for Electronic Verification.  View article

Contact our office should you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss concerning this issue.

I-9’s – Defending Yourself Electronically

Friday, July 31st, 2009

For those of you who did not participate in our July 29th audio conference, we link to an MP3 recording of this very informative event.

Guest Speakers:  Thomas J. Joy, Supervising Attorney, Immigration Solutions Business Unit and Employer Compliance Division

Dan Siciliano, Co-Founder LawLogix, I-9 and E-Verify Electronic Compliance Systems