Posts Tagged ‘I-9 Blog News’

I-9 Form, ICE Audit, E-Verify: Recent Blog Posts

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Here is a selection of some of our more recent and popular blog posts:

I-9 Form Compliance:  What’s Hidden in your Paperwork

I-9 News:  ICE Inspection I-9 Overview

I-9 Audit Case Study:  Ketchikan Drywall Services

Important Electronic Vendor Guidance

What are Technical and Substantive Violations?

Employer Fined for Discrimination

SSA No-Match Letters:  OSC’s Position on Employer Action

I-9 Penalties:  Highest Civil Penalty Assessed Since Enactment of Anti-Discrimination Provisions

Gov. Brown Signs Bill Prohibiting E-Verify for Local Governments in CA

E-Verify Self Check Releases in 16 More States and is also in Spanish