Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare Certification’

VisaScreen Healthcare Certification Updates

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

VisaScreen® renewal:

VisaScreen® certificate holders who have not obtained a permanent U.S. visa are required to renew their certificates within five years of the issue date. VisaScreen® renewal certificate applicants should begin the process six months before their current certificate expires. The renewal fee is
$250 USD. The renewal application is available for download at or applicants may apply online through CGFNS Connect.

Expedited Review Service:

Service for VisaScreen® to include applicants who have an offer for employment, in addition to those who have a Request for Evidence or a deportation deadline regarding their U.S. visa application.

VisaScreen® applicants are eligible for this Expedited Review Service only I they have met the criteria of Section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform Immigrant Responsibility Act; we have received all required documents and we have received a copy of their Request for Evidence, deportation deadline or offer for employment accompanied by a completed CGFNS Expedited Review Service form.

To apply for the Expedited Review Service, eligible VisaScreen® applicants will need to call CGFNS Customer Service between the hours of 8am and Noon, U.S. Eastern Time, to receive instructions. (see contact info below)

We will need the items requested above with an online credit card payment of $500. CGFNS will then perform the necessary review within five business days and, if all requirements have been successfully met, issue a VisaScreen® certificate via UPS next day air. Applicants who are ineligible for a VisaScreen® certificate based on the review will be notified. Fees for the Expedited Review Service are not refundable.

CGNS increases prices on its services:

CGFNS International announced on 21 December 2009 a new pricing structure for core services and several ancillary services.  Applications for the Certification Program, the Credentials Evaluation Service, the VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment program, the Credential Verification Service for New York State and ancillary services received on or after 1 January 2010 will be charged according to the new fee schedule.

The updated 2010 fees can be found here.

Contact Information:

CGFNS Customer Service* +1 (215) 349 8767
Automated Voice Response Telephone System +1 (215) 599 6200
Appointments* +1 (215) 222 8454
Mailing address Suite 400, 3600 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2651
CGFNS Web site
CGFNS Connect
Apply/Check Status

CGFNS Increases its Fees

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

CGFNS announced a new pricing structure for its core services and several ancillary services effective January 1, 2010.   We link to the new CGFNS fees

The new fees include increases for Visa Screen, Credential Evaluations, Certification Program fees and the Credential Verification Service for New York State and other ancillary services and will be effective as of January 1, 2010.

VisaScreen price increase to $540, from $498. The renewal Certificate price is increasing from $250 to $275.