Posts Tagged ‘Guest Worker Program’

Senators Pitch Immigration Compromise

Monday, January 28th, 2013

A group of 8 bipartisan senators have reached a deal on the outline of a comprehensive immigration overhaul, a development that is long overdue and will assist in framing the forthcoming immigration debate in Congress.  Senator Schumer has stated that it is their plan that this can be turned into legislation by March and put into law by mid-late summer 2013.

According to a five-page document released today, the proposal provides a broad-based approach,  agreed to in principle by eight senators, that seeks to overhaul the immigration system and create a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s roughly 11 million illegal immigrants.

Although all that we have focused on for years now is nothing else but border and enforcement issues and employment verification, the proposal takes enforcement to the next level by perfecting an entry/exit tracking system, and greater usage of E-Verify or a new and improved E-Verify system that is referred to as “fast and reliable.”

Legislators will create a commission comprised of border governors, attorneys general and community leaders living along the southwest border to monitor the progress of securing the border and to make a recommendation regarding when the bill’s security measures outlined in the legislation are completed.

While security measures are put in place, those who came and remained in the USA without permission, will be required to register with the government.  This will include background checks, paying a fine and back taxes to earn probationary legal status to continue to live and work legally in the USA.

Once enforcement measures have been completed, those in probationary legal status will be required to go to the back of the line to wait their turn, pass an additional background check, pay taxes, learn English and civics and demonstrate a history of work in the US and current employment, among other requirements, to earn the opportunity to apply for lawful permanent residency (green-card) status.  Those who successfully  complete these requirements can eventually earn a green-card (legal permanent residence).

Special provisions will be accorded to the Dreamers (minor children who did not knowingly choose to violate any immigration laws) who will have different requirements that will include a pathway to citizenship..  Individuals who have been working illegally in the agricultural industry performing difficult work for low wages to ensure the safety of the food supply of the US will also be provided special requirements and will have a pathway to citizenship.

Those who graduate from an American University with a Ph.D or Master’s Degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM), will be awarded permanent residency (green-card status) to keep the best and brightest talent in the USA.

There are also provisions for a guest worker program referred to as “lower-skilled workers” in the proposal that will meet the needs of employers, the agricultural industry, including dairy, to find agricultural workers and lower skilled immigrants when the economy is creating jobs and fewer when the economy is not creating jobs.  If this is the H-2B program, we sincerely hope that it gets an overhaul – it’s entirely too complicated, takes too long and completely discourages employers by overburdening them with excessive details.


Please see the senator’s attached Transcript.  It’s certainly a an introduction to a long-awaited immigration conversation that is achievable – but difficult.  A link to a transcript from the President’s speech in NV; and the President’s Immigration Fact Sheet.

What are the differences between the Senate and Obama Plan?



Pop Culture Strikes Back: SOMAart’s Ramp Gallery Displays “Illegal Super Heroes”

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

By:  Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

Neil Rivas, a Latino artist in the San Francisco Bay area has created a series of immigrant status parodies on America’s most beloved comic book superheroes. The Ramp Gallery at the SOMArts Cultural Center in San Francisco that displays a hallway lined with Rivas’s parodies, which urge viewers to call ICE agents on heroes such as Superman, Wolverine, and Wonder Woman. Each poster sites the immigrant origins of the heroes and their undocumented status.

The exhibit highlights the gravity of loss our country would incur if we strictly applied our current immigration policies. What would our world be without Clark Kent or the scruffy Canadian Wolverine? I took the parody a step further considering my America without immigrants:

Without immigrants many of our favorite foods, like artichokes, would not be available. Were it not for the French and Italian American immigrants, the artichoke would not have found its home in California. Further, the “hand-labor” required by the agriculture industry relies heavily on immigrant, temporary, and even undocumented workers to survive. Not thrive, but merely survive.

The recent wave of state legislation denying rights to undocumented immigrants has greatly contributed to the growing social unrest with our current immigration politics. NBC News recently reported that a US permanent resident is currently locked up in Etowah County Detention Center because he mistakenly marked his status on a motorcycle driver’s license application “US Citizen.” The social and financial costs of our broken immigration systems are magnified even more by the speed and breadth of our modern communication mediums and social networks.

The ACLU recently challenged the validity of an Alabama state law that required immigration checks for school students; the Eleventh Circuit ruled they imposed a “significant interference with the children’s right to education” and therefore violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution. The general public is becoming increasingly sensitive to how theses secular immigration laws impact civil rights. “Illegal Super Heroes” is a perfect example of how current immigration issues have moved out of the legal and political realm into American’s daily lives.

For more information about the latest immigration court rulings and other breaking immigration news, subscribe to our blog and contact our office to discuss your business visa needs, I-9 audits, training and compliance program,   562 612.3996,

Out In Left Field: CA Needs H2-A Ag-Worker Overhaul

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

By Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

The California Board of Food and Agriculture met with labor experts from across the country last week in Santa Cruz, to discuss recent labor shortages. In the midst of the worst drought in fifty-six years, crops are being left to rot in fields across the country due to a lack of legally available agriculture workers. Ag-Vision, a progress report complied by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, highlights the devastating impact immigration laws have on the available agricultural labor force in the state:

An estimated 75 percent of California’s agricultural workforce is foreign-born, primarily in Mexico, and about half the workers are believed to be unauthorized under current immigration laws. Reform of those laws is needed to alleviate a shortage of farm labor that is putting stress on the harvest and processing of California’s crops, as well as to offer opportunities to those immigrant families who are responsibly seeking greater opportunity in America. In particular, mandating the use of E-Verify in agriculture could force California farmers to let go many of their employees without any realistic chance of replacing them.

The report also sites a number of state bills that propose immigration alternatives to the “cumbersome” H2-A. The Employment Acceleration Act, AB1236 (Paul Fong, D-Cupertino), prohibits state and local governments in California from forcing private employers to use E-Verify, except where required by federal law. The Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Security Act (AgJOBS) introduced by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein (S. 1038) and Rep. Howard Burman (D-28thDistrict, Van Nuys), the bill represents a compromise between farm labor organizations and major agricultural employers. The bill proposes an “earned legalization” program enabling many undocumented farmworkers and H-2A guest workers to earn a “blue card” temporary immigration status with the possibility of becoming permanent residents. H.R. 2895, the Legal Agricultural Workforce Act and AB 1544, the California Agricultural Jobs and Industry Stabilization Program, authorize guest worker programs permitting undocumented aliens to work in the domestic agriculture industry and allows their families to legally reside in the state.

According to Feinstein, at least 84,155 production acres and 22,285 jobs have moved to Mexico. The current lack of available workers is evidence that the system in place, including the H2-A visa, is inadequate. The H2-A visa requires a lengthy approval process from both the Department of Labor (DOL) and United States Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS). Visa holders are eligible to work for a year, renewable for up to a three-year period, but limited to travel outside the country for a maximum of three months. Many of the visa’s requirements are difficult for employers to comply with, including the provision of standard housing, meals, daily transportation, workers compensation, and adherence to the fifty percent rule (maintain at least a 50% US workforce per availability).

Until state legislation is adapted to create a more reliable source of agricultural workers, employers should seek legal assistance to secure lawful seasonal laborers. For more information on how to secure visas, comply with E-Verify, and attract a secure and suitable workforce, contact one of our immigration professionals at or call 562 612.3996.