What Did Trump’s Tweet About H1B Visas Mean?

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

…Which came as a complete surprise to the business community, particularly at a time when his administration has done nothing but attack legal immigration, making the H-1B application process nearly unbearable for employers since the release of his “Buy American – Hire American” Executive Order. So, what could Trump do if he was ‘really’ interested in high skilled immigration?




U.S. Immigration Rules Blamed for Tech Brain Drain

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

(Reuters, San Francisco)…..

Silicon Valley is facing a brain drain of high achieving foreign-born students, more of whom are leaving in the face of a chilly local immigration environment in a trend experts say will hurt U.S. high-tech industry competitiveness in the long run.

We link to the article. “We’re simply not producing, in relative terms, significant numbers of engineers or scientists from people who have already been here for a number of generations”, said Wilcox, who specializes in helping the start-ups that gave his bank its name.  “You’ve got to bring them in from the outside.”

…Congratulations Graduate – now you can Leave the USA!

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

USA Today pubilshed a very frank and interesting article where they addressed the important issue of the limitations that are put on skilled immigrant visas and how this hurts USA competitiveness.

Around this time every year, thousands of foreign students graduate with degrees in science, engineering and technology from US universities; they want to stay in America, work and contribute to the economy.  So, do we welcome them and say “terrific”…NO!  The government tell them to take their brainpower and skills with them to other countries and companies that compete with the USA.  To read more

Pretty self-defeating immigration policy isn’t it!