Posts Tagged ‘Five States Implement E-Verify’

E-Verify Requirements for 5 States as of January 1, 2012

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

Five states as of January 1, 2012 require certain employers to use the E-Verify system for employment eligibility verification of newly hired employees.  They are as follows:

Alabama: State contractors are required to e-verify new employees.  Commencing April 1, 2012, all Alabama employers will b e required to use E-Verify.  Business licenses can be suspended up to 60 days for a first violation and permanently revoked for a second violation.

Georgia:  All private employers with 500 employees or more must use E-Verify as of 01/01/2012 for all new hires.  This will expand to on July 1, 2012 for employers with 100-499 employees, and for employers with 11-99 employees as of July 1, 2013.  Contractors can be barred from bidding on public contracts for 12 months for violations. Public employers must submit annual compliance reports.

Louisiana:  All private employers seeking public contracts to provide services to a state or local public entity will be required to attest that they will use E-Verify for their new hires in Louisiana as of January 1, 2012 during the term of the contract, and the same for their subcontractors.  Penalties for violations include: up to $500 fine per worker for a first offense, up to $1,000 for a second and up to $2,500 for a third offense. After the third offense the business license can also be suspended for a minimum of 30 days and no more than 6 months. Employers using E-Verify are presumed to be in good faith and not subject to penalties.

South Carolina: All employers are required to participate in E-Verify as of 01/01/2012.  Presently, employers have had the option to hire only employees that possess or qualify for a South Carolina driver’s license (or other state license with similar strict requirements) instead of using E-Verify, but that option will expire as of 01/01/2012.

Tennessee: All private employers with 500 or more employees must either use E-Verify, or obtain and copy specified documentation of lawful status for all new hires as of January 1, 2012.  those with 200 to 499 employees on or after July 1, 2012; those with 6 to 199 employees, on or after January 1, 2013. Employers with less than 6 employees will not have to use E-verify.

For current information on state E-Verify requirements, we link here

Should you have  any questions pertaining to state E-Verify requirements, please contact our office at or call 562 612.3996.