Posts Tagged ‘E-Verify Case Resolution’

E-Verify Self-Assessment Guides: A Good Tool but does not render Employer Audit Proof

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

By:  Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

In an effort to assist participating employers comply with the user requirements of E-Verify and to help improve participants’ overall use of the program, USCIS issued two self-assessment guides in June. Both guides are substantively similar, but are procedurally designed to assist two sets of users, either web-access or direct access users. Voluntary E-Verify participants will benefit from this recent assistance publication by following the eight-part checklist provided therein.

The self-assessment checklist covers, post-enrollment activities, creation of cases, photo matching, tentative nonconfirmation, DHS referral, SSA referral, final case resolution, and final case closure statements. USCIS touts E-Verify as an easy-to-use online tool, but warns, “Employers may be subject to legal action for some types of E-Verify misuse.” The self-assessment guide highlights below may surprise current E-Verify users who may unwittingly be noncompliant:

Monitored Activities Common Mistakes:

  • Duplicate cases for same employee
  • Verifying employees hired before 11/7/86
  • Immediately terminating employee who receive a tentative nonconfirmation (TNC)
  • Failing to create a case by the third day after employee started work for pay
  • Creating cases for employees hired before E-Verify participant enrollment

Post-Enrollment Activities: Do web services comply with interface control agreements?

Creation of Cases: Is all personally identifiable information safeguarded at all times, with only minimal information retained?

Photo Matching: Are document photos matched to the photo on E-Verify rather than to the employee?

Tentative Nonconfirmation: Do case closure statements notify DHS if an employee who receives a TNC chooses not to contest is not terminated?

DHS & SSA Referral: Do E-Verify participants and employees both sign the English-language version of the referral letter?

Final Case Resolution: Upon receipt of a “DHS No Show” message, does the employee contact DHS within the required time?

Final Case Closure: Does the user file completed Form I-9 and all attachments in a secured location?

Although the self-assessment is a valuable tool to assist employers with E-Verify compliance, the checklists do not render a company audit proof. For assistance implementing best practices for E-Verify and other immigration related topics contact one of our immigration professionals.

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