Posts Tagged ‘E-2 Visa’

USCIS Develops Tools to Help Foreign Entrepreneurs Create and Grow Businesses in the USA

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Much of the immigration challenges around case approval for entrepreneur start ups with USCIS has to do with the cases being reviewed by untrained officers, a lack of overall guidance for attorneys and  practitioners concerning this casework, and a fundamental lack of “real world”, hands-on  business knowledge on the part of USCIS.  The agency has definitely released a nice looking mini-website marketing piece on the subject.  We remain hopeful that the implementation of the below-listed changes will be the start of a new mindset for USCIS adjudication of entrepreneur start-up casework.  In reviewing the information,  we note that the Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) team states that they have:

– Developed and deployed a training workshop for USCIS employment-based immigration officers that focuses on start up businesses and the environment for early-stage innovations;
– Trained a team of specialized immigration officers to handle entrepreneur and start up cases;
– Modified Request for Evidence templates for certain nonimmigrant visa categories to incorporate new types of relevant evidence into the adjudicative process; and
– Developed a plan for quarterly engagements with the entrepreneurial community to ensure that USCIS stays current with industry practices.

To sustain the momentum and build on the team’s accomplishments, USCIS indicated that they have extended the EIR project through April 2013.  The project should be extended indefinitely if we are seriously courting foreign entrepreneurs to help jump-start the US economy.  Among other things, the team states that it will expand its focus to immigrant visa pathways that may enable foreign entrepreneurs to start a business in the United States within current immigration law.

We are hopeful, in light of the economic challenges ahead of us in the USA at this time, that Congress will have a light bulb moment and pass legislation for a Start-up Visa and find  a balanced and fair approach to increasing the visa alotment for STEM occupations without the punitive tradeoff approach of penalizing other visa classifications in return.  For more information on the EIR program, we link here.

USCIS Announces the Entrepreneurs in Residence Tactical Team | Immigration Compliance Group

Friday, April 13th, 2012

USCIS has partnered with business experts to ‘supposedly’ improve the way they approach the employment-based and high-skilled visa categories used by immigrant entrepreneurs. We’d really like to hope for the best on this that something major occurs as a result of opening up to public expertise and excellence in order to relax the restrictive business immigration environment that is prevalent at this time.

Director Alejandro Mayorkas kicked-off this innovative program, called the Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative, with an Information Summit in Silicon Valley in February. Now, USCIS has entered a new phase of the initiative by bringing together the EIR Tactical Team. For 90 days this collaborative team, comprised of both USCIS employees and entrepreneurs from the private sector, will identify opportunities where USCIS can streamline pathways for foreign entrepreneurs. Team members began their work at USCIS in late March.

Last week, they traveled to the California Service Center and met with USCIS officers to discuss the visa categories most often used by immigrant entrepreneurs: H-1B, L-1 E-1, E-2, and O-1.

We direct you to Team Member bios here.

Entrepreneurs in Residence Information Summit: Silicon Valley Feb 22nd

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

USCIS has extended an invitation to join them as they launch their Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative with an Information Summit focused on ensuring that the immigration pathways for foreign entrepreneurs are clear, consistent, and better reflect today’s business realities. The engagement will be held February 22, 2012 at 8:30AM – 5:30PM (Pacific Standard Time), in Silicon Valley, CA.

Through panel discussions and breakout sessions, the Summit will give participants the opportunity to share their strategic thinking and business expertise with the agency. The feedback from the Summit will inform the work of the Entrepreneurs in Residence tactical team, which will bring business experts in-house to work alongside USCIS staff to maximize current immigration laws’ potential to attract foreign entrepreneurial talent and to work alongside USCIS staff for a period of approximately 90 days.