Posts Tagged ‘DACA FAQs’

DACA – Know your Workplace Rights

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

The National Immigration Law Center released this week FAQ’s concerning worksite rights for DACA employees.  The information is very helpful for those who are applying for DACA and for those who have been granted deferred action under the DACA Program.  There is also some excellent guidance for employers concerning the I-9 form for DACA new and existing employees, social security cards, employment verification letters, and more.  We also link to a previous blog post with updated FAQ information on the USCIS website.

Please be aware that this is ‘general’ information only.  We always recommend that you seek guidance from a skilled immigration attorney or professional who is familiar with DACA and employer compliance issues.  As always, we are available to work with you on your casework and to assist employers with employment eligibility verification issues.  Please contact one of our immigration professionals at or call 562 612.3996 and visit our I-9 Employer Resource Center.