Posts Tagged ‘Business Immigration’

Infosys to pay $34M in Fines for Visa Fraud and I-9 Violations

Thursday, October 31st, 2013



Infosys is India’s second largest software exporter, and has about 30,000 workers in the U.S. (160,000 worldwide) with $6B in sales.

After years of investigation, it was found that Infosys “knowingly and unlawfully” brought Indian workers into the United States on B-1 business visitor visas( since 2008), to circumvent  the higher costs and delays of a longer-term employment-related visa, such as the H-1B visa that the workers should have had.  It was found that Infosys systematically submitted misleading information to US immigration authorities and consular officials to obtain the B-1 visas that do not permit employment, unfairly gaining a competitive edge and undercutting American workers qualified for the jobs

Press release states: “Infosys failed to maintain I-9 records for many of its foreign nationals in the United States in 2010 and 2011 as required by law, including a widespread failure to update and re-verify the employment authorization status of a large percentage of its foreign national employees…more than 80 percent of Infosys’s I-9 forms for 2010 and 2011 contained substantive violations.”

The largest fine of its kind, was paid out as follows: $5 million to Homeland Security Investigations, $5 million to the Department of State, and $24 million to the DOJ.

How can employers protect themselves?

The five federal agencies charged with workplace enforcement are not only going after businesses that are known to employ undocumented workers, but they are also making examples out of industry leaders across the country creating headline news. It goes without saying, that this is now a topic that should be on HR executives’ action list.  Turning a blind eye can be exceedingly costly and cause great damage to a company’s reputation.

For more on this Story:  CBS Reports   NY Times

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Press Release | Immigration Solutions’ Relaunch to Immigration Compliance Group

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

For Immediate Distribution

Immigration Solutions Announces Relaunch to Immigration Compliance Group and New Websites to Assist Employers with Business Immigration

Employers concerned about U.S. business immigration issues, as well as I-9 employment eligibility verification and compliance are getting help from new websites announced by Immigration Compliance Group.

Long Beach, CA, September 29, 2011 – Immigration Compliance Group has announced the launch of its new name and websites to help employers faced with business immigration and compliance issues.

Their websites are located at and, and offer help with business immigration issues, corporate employment verification compliance, I-9 employment eligibility audits and training, as well as help in developing a comprehensive employment authorization and immigration-related compliance program.

Business managers and human resource professionals know the value of degreed, skilled worker foreign nationals, especially in the science, technology, engineering and healthcare occupations.  As the workforce becomes more global in scope, employers are increasingly learning that it is essential to understand and effectively adhere to immigration compliance laws and regulations.

“Employer immigration compliance is becoming more complex because enforcement through investigations and audits by USCIS, ICE, SSA and DOL is increasing.  In order to effectively deal with these issues and avoid the very severe consequences for non-compliance, employers must take the time to develop a strategy and be prepared in advance with an immigration compliance program,” explained Leslie Davis, Managing Director of Immigration Compliance Group.

“Immigration Compliance Group offers customized programs that meet the unique business immigration needs of our clients.  We provide onsite or offsite audits, training, policy development, and ongoing consultation and  compliance news and updates,” she added.

With the demise of immigration reform in Congress, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is stepping up enforcement of existing laws prohibiting the employment of illegal workers and fining employers for I-9 violations. These recent developments have made it even more critical that employers maintain a strong immigration compliance profile.

Press Contact:

Leslie Davis | Immigration Compliance Group | 562 612.3996 |