Posts Tagged ‘american association of colleges of nursing’

Healthcare in the Stimulus Bill

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

$500 Million for Nursing and Health Professional Training

$300 Million is to be allocated to the National Health Service Corps with the remaining for Titles VII and VIII for health professional and nurse development programs.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing President Fay Raines said in a press statement, “Nurse educators are grateful for this infusion of funding which will help nursing schools battle the financial challenges they are currently facing.”

Additional provisions in the bill:

  • $2 Billion in renovations and health IT purchases for community health centers
  • $9.5 Billion for biomedical research
  • $1.1 billion for comparing the effectiveness of treatments funded by Medicare, Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Plans (SCHIP)
  • $2 Billion for the Office of national Coordinator for Health Information Technology
  • $50 Million to improve IT security at the Dept of Health and Human Services

For a copy of the bill: