NCLEX-RN 2010 Test Plan

The NCSBN has posted the 2010 NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan Candidate version and Item Writer/Item Reviewer/Nu Educator version on its Website The new test plan goes into effect April 1, 2010.

The NCLEX-RN Test Plan is evaluated every 3 years, and changes are made based on empirical data from a practice analysis, expert judgment and feedback from member boards.  The purpose of the Detailed Test Plan is to provide more in depth information about the content areas listed in the basic NCLEX-RN Test Plan.  Both tests include sample items at the end of each category, which are specific to the Client Needs category being reviewed in that section.  Also, the Item Writer/Item Reviewer/Nurse Educator version includes an item writing tutorial with sample case scenarios to provide nurse educators with hands-on experience in writing NCLEX style test questions.

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