Charges Dropped against Sentosa Nurses

The “Sentosa 10” were given “a clean bill of health” and found new employment in nursing homes and in a hospital after their criminal charges of conspiracy and patient endangerment were dropped, according to their lawyer James Druker.

The 10 nurses, hired while still in the Philippines to work in U.S. nursing homes managed by Sentosa Care, LLC, found working and living conditions different from what they’d been promised, according to the January 13 decision by the New York State Supreme Court’s appellate division. Their
attorney at the time, Felix Vinluan, advised them that, under the circumstances, they could legally resign. After the 10 nurses’ joint resignation, they and Vinluan were prosecuted
(see “An American Dream Gone Wrong,” In the News, August 2007).

For more information on this story and to read the CGFNS News for April 2009:
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