Archive for the ‘ICE’ Category

E-Verify TNC – Employer Action Required after 10 Federal Work Days

Saturday, July 17th, 2021

E-Verify requires all employers to take action on Tentative Nonconfirmation cases (TNC) for their employees within 10 federal government working days. Although most Social Security Administration offices are currently closed, this does not affect the 10-day requirement. Employers are reminded to complete the following steps in E-Verify within 10 federal government working days after issuance of a TNC result:

  • Notify your employee of their TNC result as soon as possible within the 10 days.
  • Give your employee a copy of the Further Action Notice.
  • Review the Further Action Notice with your employee in private and have them confirm whether the information listed at the top is correct.
    • If the information is incorrect, close the case and select the statement indicating the information was not correct. After the case is closed, create a new case for your employee with the correct information.
    • If the information is correct, proceed to the next step.
  • Tell the employee they must decide whether to take action on the TNC by the 10th day after TNC is issued.
  • If your employee chooses to take action on the TNC, select the appropriate option in E-Verify. Be sure to provide your employee with their Referral Date Confirmation which provides details on the next step your employee must take.
  • If your employee chooses not to take action, select the appropriate option in E-Verify and close the case.
  • Please see the E-Verify User Manual for more information on confirming your employee’s TNC decision.

If your employee does not give you their decision by the end of the 10th federal government working day after E-Verify issued the TNC, then you close the case.

Please note that if your employee no longer works for you or their TNC is a duplicate case, you are still required to close their TNC case in E-Verify. Employers should not delay closing cases and should close all cases as soon as possible. Please see E-Verify User Manual for more information on closing cases in E-Verify.

Please note that if your employee no longer works for you or their TNC is a duplicate case, you are still required to close their TNC case in E-Verify. Employers should not delay closing cases and should close all cases as soon as possible. Please see E-Verify User Manual for more information on closing cases in E-Verify.

New Additions to the I-9 List of Acceptable Documents

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

A quick review: In the I-9 verification process, the employee presents – and the employer must verify – evidence of both identity and work authorization. List A documents establish both identity and work authorization. Other documents establish only identity, List B documents. And other documents establish only employment authorization–List C documents.

The employee may present either a List A document OR a List B plus a List C document for I-9 employment eligibility verification.

You will not find the newly approved acceptable I-9 documents mentioned in this post in the current edition of the M-274 Employer Handbook, but you will find them on I-9 Central in their FAQs with document examples in the referenced LawLogix Blog post here. Document examples are taken from the ICE Guide to Selected US Travel and Identity Documents. This is an older version. We provide information at the end of this post where you can obtain a current copy of the February 2018 version.

Let’s highlight the new acceptable documents:

  1. Certificate of Naturalization: This is now an acceptable List C document as evidence of employment authorization, but you must also request that the employee produce a List B identity document as well.
  2. Resident Alien Card first introduced as a permanent residency card in 1977 that does not have an expiration date; the card is valid indefinitely. It displays a profile photograph, fingerprint and other details. These are still accepted as valid List A documents if they reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the person presenting them. Bear in mind that the photos on these cards will be very old.
  3. Trusted Traveler Documents: Global Entry, Nexus (travel between the US and Canada) and Sentri (travel from Mexico) can now be accepted as valid List B identification cards issued by a federal government agency, since they contain a photograph and various other required identifying information. The employee would also be required to present an acceptable List C employment authorization document.

To order a copy of the most recent edition of the M-396 Guide referenced above, requests can be submitted here.

We are always available to assist you with navigating the often confusing process of establishing a legal workforce and culture of compliance. The new year is an ideal time to review your I-9 inventory, update you staff training program, and arrange for a partial or a full audit.


Monday, November 14th, 2016


On Nov. 14, 2016 USCIS released a revised version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification.  Employers may continue using Form I-9 with a revision date of 03/08/2013N  through Jan. 21, 2017.  By Jan. 22, 2017, employers must use the revised form.

Employers should continue to follow existing storage and retention rules for all of their previously completed Forms I-9. Refer here for more information.

Remember to login to our webinar on Wednesday Nov. 16th, 3pm EST/12pm PST for training on the new I-9 form: and save the date for the E-Verify webinar as well on December 15, 2016.



DOJ issues interim final rule increasing fines 35-96% for employing unauthorized workers

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Searching for a Niche Group - Magnifying Glass

This rule implements as an inflation adjustment fines for employing unauthorized workers for Form I-9 paperwork violations, and for immigration-related discrimination. These new fines increase the penalties from 35% to 96% depending on the nature and severity of the violation.

We encourage you to review your policies, procedures and your Form I-9 inventory.  Remember, the key to defending any employment related investigation is to evidence that there is and has been a consistent pattern of responsible, good faith effort on the part of the employer in establishing a compliant workforce.

Refer here for the details.


Employee Notifies that I-9 Documents Previously Submitted were not Genuine: What’s an Employer to do?

Thursday, April 14th, 2016

Searching for a Niche Group - Magnifying Glass

The OSC publishes responses to  TAL Letters (Technical Assistance Letters) that they receive from attorneys, employers and other stakeholders.  USCIS identifies this circumstance in the I-9 Employer Handbook as an employee who comes forward and indicates that their identity is now different than previously represented (Hmm…)  and now wants to “regularize” their employment record.  Or, what do you do if you become aware, for instance, that a social security number associated with a particular employee was not legally assigned?

Discussion starts on page 2.

OSC’s TAL implies that if an employer has not consistently-followed a policy of terminating individuals for providing false information during the hiring process, it couldn’t use that policy to justify a termination in this particular scenario.  Even if the employer did consistently terminate individuals who were dishonest during the hiring process, OSC implied that this was not necessarily a slam dunk argument either. It is important to note that OSC did not commit itself by concluding that such a termination under the circumstances would not constitute discrimination or be deemed to be a valid legitimate non-discriminatory reason for termination. It simply stated it would depend on the facts and circumstances.  Before you go down this road, remember –the USCIS Handbook for Employers provides that “Where an employee has worked for you using a false identity but is currently work authorized, the I-9 rules do not require termination of employment.”

There’s also guidance regarding this for DACA employees that you might wish to review.  For more on I-9 compliance please refer to our Employer Resource Center





Recent DOJ Worksite Enforcement Settlements that Shed Light on Form I-9 Employer Compliance

Sunday, September 20th, 2015

One group of customers standing on a red target bullseye, with magnifying glass hovering above it

Plain and simple, failing to comply with IRCA’s I-9 rules have, and are continuing at a rapid rate, to result in significant fines, loss of access to government contracts, an onslaught of negative publicity, business closure, criminal penalties and even imprisonment.  Here are a few examples of recently settled cases in August 2015:

1) Creating discriminatory barriers for immigrants who have permission to work in the United States, $165 civil penalty with $50K in back pay:

2) Requiring non-U.S. citizens, but not similarly-situated U.S. citizens, to present specific documentary proof of their immigration status to verify their employment eligibility, $200K civil penalty:

3) City of Eugene, OR improperly restricted law enforcement positions to U.S. citizens at the time of hire, even though no law, regulation, executive order or government contract authorized such a restriction. must pay a civil penalty, train its employees about the anti-discrimination provision of the INA and be subject to monitoring by the Justice Department for a period of three years!


Immigration Compliance Group provides US inbound immigration services to individuals and employers throughout the USA and abroad. We specialize in business immigration and have a depth of experience in the IT, healthcare, arts, entertainment and sports industries, amongst others. Our services include complex business visas for investors, multinational managers, skilled professionals, outstanding individuals of high achievement (O-1, P visas, EB-1 and EB-2 Exceptional Ability cases) and PERM Labor Certification.  We additionally provide employer compliance consulting services on proper I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) management, auditing, training, and work with our clients to develop a culture of immigration compliance. Our door is open for new clients — we extend a 20% discount on the first case with our firm.  Contact us at or call 562 612.3996.

Can Driver Authorization Cards be used as a List B Document for I-9 Employment Verification?

Sunday, August 9th, 2015

Searching for a Niche Group - Magnifying GlassWe’re starting to intake alot of questions concerning these cards as they now filter through the system to employers charged with handling Form I-9 employment verification.

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Eight of these states extended driving privileges in 2013. In 2015, Delaware and Hawaii enacted legislation to give unauthorized immigrants driving privileges.

Here are examples of some of the cards with various different annotations.

An employer is required to accept as a list B document an unexpired driver’s license or ID that meets the standard for I-9 purposes.  What’s the standard?  A photo and other identifying information such as, their name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color and address. The underlying issue here is state law vs. immigration (federal law) and USCIS regulations concerning Form I-9.

Both USCIS and OSC concur, despite the various different types of annotations that appear on driver authorization cards, that they meet the regulations for an acceptable List B document if they adhere to the standards mentioned above.

An employer is required to examine the documents presented by its employee and determine whether they meet Form I-9 requirements. If the employer accepts any document, including a state-issued license or driver authorization card, or other type of ID with a limiting notation as a List B document, the employer must also examine a List C document that evidences employment authorization in order to make a proper determination if the individual is eligible for employment.

Employers may reject a document if it does not reasonably appear to be genuine or to relate to the employee. Rejecting a document that satisfies Form I-9 requirements may constitute illegal discrimination under the Immigration and Nationality Act’s anti-discrimination provision or Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

USCIS has published a set of FAQs on this topic that contain critical information and should be read, discussed and made a part of your training program for those charged with processing I-9 forms. Should you have any questions  on this matter or any other concerns regarding employer compliance issues, please feel free to contact us at or call
562 612.3996.

E-Verify Announces Major Proposed Changes

Friday, July 17th, 2015

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USCIS released details of proposed new changes to the E-Verify program on June 8, 2015 that were published this week.  The notice, found here, proposes several changes to E-Verify and seeks public comments until August 7, 2015 and links to new Q&A.   These changes will affect all employer users, including Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) contractors.

The three critical changes entail:

1)  Requirement that employers re-verify the continuing work authorization of employees within three “Employer” days of the expiration of the employee’s “last” grant of work authorization.

a)  This requirement tracks the current continuing duty of employers to re-verify expiring work authorization of employees in Section 3 of the I-9 form or, in the alternative, to complete a new I-9.

b)  This differs from the I-9 process in that the E-Verify time frame for re-verification of the employment authorization is three days after its expiration, whereby the I-9 regulations state that an employer re-verify the expiring work authorization of an employee on or before the day it expires. In E-Verify, the proposed process cannot be started until after the expiration of the employment authorization.

c)  The re-verification requirement extends to employees hired before an employer began participating in the E-Verify program. Thus, the proposed change would require that employers re-verify an employee’s expiring work authorization regardless of whether they have previously created an E-Verify case for that employee or not. This again differs from the current E-Verify program rules that explicitly prohibit an employer verifying the work authorization of employees hired before the employer began participating in the program (with the exception of FAR E-Verify employers).

2)  Requirement that employers print the re-verification confirmation page and retain it along with an employee’s I-9 records or record the E-Verify re-verification case number on the employee’s I-9 Form.

3)  Provides a process for employees to seek review of E-Verify Final-Nonconfirmations.


Immigration Compliance Group provides US inbound visa services to individuals and employers throughout the USA and abroad. We specialize in business immigration and have a depth of experience in the IT, healthcare, arts, entertainment and sports industries, amongst others. Our services include complex business visas for investors, multinational managers, skilled professionals, outstanding individuals of high achievement and PERM Labor Certification. We additionally provide employer compliance consulting services on proper I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) management, auditing, training, and work with our clients to develop a culture of immigration compliance.


California New AB 60 Driver’s License: Is it Good for Employment Eligibility?

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

SSCard_iStock_000008528169_ExtraSmall (2)Since early 2015, qualified California residents have been able to apply for and receive a driver’s license issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles without proving that their presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.  All employers must accept the AB 60 driver’s license as a Form I-9 List B Identity document if the license reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the individual.  As with all permissible List B driver’s licenses, the AB 60 driver’s license must contain either a photograph or list the individual’s name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address. The AB 60 driver’s license only documents the employee’s identity; California employers must still examine a List C document that establishes employment authorization, such as a Social Security card or birth certificate.


View the Example of the AB-CA Driver’s License annotated with “Federal Benefits Apply”.


Executive Actions on Immigration

Sunday, December 7th, 2014

Passport immigration stamp

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced efforts to retool critical aspects of the immigration system—how we enforce immigration laws, how we process immigration benefits, how we encourage further business innovation, and how we welcome immigrants to this nation.

Following the address, executive agencies made available intra-agency memoranda and fact sheets detailing specific actions that have already been taken, or will be taken in the future in ten areas within the confines of the law. These actions generally involve border security, the current unlawfully present population, or future legal immigration.

Below we link to Fact Sheets that address the details that we are aware of at this time of the 10 Executive Action Initiatives with links to the memoranda. Additional guidance will be forthcoming.

The expansion of the DACA program that has now removed the age restriction and increases employment authorization from 2 year to 3-year increments, is expected to go into effect on or about February 20, 2015. The implementation of DAPA, the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, that allows parents of US citizens and lawful permanent residents who have been present in the country since January 1, 2010 to request deferred action and employment authorization, is expected to roll out approximately mid-May 2015.


Should you have questions at this time or would like to retain our office to assist you or your employees with their immigration matters, please contact us at or call 562 612.3996.