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Archive for the ‘I-9/E-Verify News’ Category

Federal Contractor Enrollment in E-Verify

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

The government contracting official decides if your contract qualifies for the E-Verify clause and if you meet the following criteria:

• The contract was awarded on or after the Federal contractor rule effective date of September 8, 2009 and includes the FAR E-Verify clause
• The contract has a period of performance that is more than 120 days
• The contract’s value exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold of $100,000
• At least some portion of the work under the contract is performed in the United States

What if you use Subcontractors?

All subcontractors must also verify all existing employees directly performing work under the covered contract. Contractors will need to include a clause for a subcontractor if they meet the following criteria:

• Is for commercial or non-commercial services or construction
• Exceeds $3,000; and
• Includes work performed in the United States

We have a talented team of attorneys and specialists to assist you with pre-Everify audits, reporting and training to get you ready for enrollment. Call us to arrange a consultation today.  562 612.3996.  Our Compliance Services and Solutions: http://www.immigrationsolution.netemployer_compliance_services_solutions.php

Immigration Plan Released by Schumer and Graham

Friday, March 19th, 2010

The 2 senators today released their plan to mend immigration in the Washington Post.  The announcement was praised by the President in this statement.  The Post article, authored by both senators, agrees that:

  1. the system is broken
  2. although our borders are more secure, there are still millions that enter the USA illegally with no way of tracking if they leave when their visas expire
  3. employers are overburdened with a complex employment verification system for their workers
  4. Most Americans oppose illegal immigration and support legal immigration

They further discuss continuing to hold employers accountable for the employment verification of their workforce and implementing a tamper proof ID system to decrease illegal immigration.

This is what Schumer and Graham propose and seek support on:

  1. To introduce a biometric social security card to ensure that illegals cannot get jobs where each card would have its own unique identifier on the card and not in government databases.  Employers would swipe the card to confirm a person’s identify
  2. Strengthen border and interior enforcement
  3. Create a process for admitting temporary workers and allowing more lower skilled immigrants to come to the USA when the  economy is creating jobs and fewer in a recession.  Will also permit those who have put down roots in the USA  and succeeded in the workplace to obtain a green-card
  4. Implement a path to legalization for those already here
  5. Zero tolerance on gang members, felons, smugglers and terrorists and increase internal enforcement to apprehend and deport them
  6. Complete an entry-exit system that tracks those that enter the USA on visas and report those who overstay to law enforcement databases
  7. Increase the border patrol

The article closes with the following:

“For the 11 million immigrants already in this country illegally, we would provide a tough but fair path forward. They would be required to admit they broke the law and to pay their debt to society by performing community service and paying fines and back taxes. These people would be required to pass background checks and be proficient in English before going to the back of the line of prospective immigrants to earn the opportunity to work toward lawful permanent residence.

The American people deserve more than empty rhetoric and impractical calls for mass deportation. We urge the public and our colleagues to join our bipartisan efforts in enacting these reforms.”

We will continue to keep you informed and will report in more detail on the immigration plan in our April newsletter.

If you wish to subscribe to our blog posts, newsletters and other information, you can sign up on our website

E-Verify for Federal Contractors

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

California-based client receives FAR E-Verify contract language and waits until the 11th hour to get their I-9’s in order:

In order to properly enroll in the DHS FAR E-Verify free Internet-Based program, or a vendor-based Designated Agent program, the contractor must rely upon the accuracy of their I-9’s and the information provided by their employees on the I-9 form.  We recommend a proactive approach to this issue by obtaining a pre-EVerify I-9 audit (can be a random audit or a complete audit depending upon the condition of your I-9s) to pinpoint reoccurring issues and correc them – with accompanying I-9 compliance training and the establishment of policy and procedure around how your company will handle this function – then you’re ready to enroll in E-Verify.

If you have questions or require any of the above services, our distinguished team of attorneys and specialists are available to work with you on your compliance needs.

Leslie Davis, Managing Director
Immigration Solutions

Are you I-9 Compliant?

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

ICE is not backing off sending I-9 audit notices to US employers.  It’s latest  round of 180 NOI’s (Notice of Inspection) were sent to employers March 2nd in 5 Southeastern states:   Louisiana. Alabama, Arkansas Tennessee and Mississippi.  The notices alert business owners that ICE will be inspecting their hiring records to determine whether or not they are complying with employment eligibility verification laws and regulations.

Employers are required to complete and retain a Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This form requires employers to review and record the individual’s identity document(s) and determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and related to the individual.

Due to the ongoing, law enforcement sensitive nature of these audits, the names and locations of the businesses will not be released at this time.

We link to the Press Release on the ICE website

A strong reminder to employers: Compliance with immigration law is crucial in this enforcement climate. We are in a historic moment regarding U.S. Immigration reform. Major U.S. companies have been slapped with steep fines for non-compliance with immigration laws and contractors have been closed and even jailed for employing illegal immigrants. Now is the time for prudent companies to implement a Corporate Immigration Compliance Program. Our firm’s years of experience and knowledge with employer compliance and worksite enforcement issues can assist your business in offsetting the extent of sanctions and other ICE enforcement threats.  Because of this, employer compliance is becoming more complex and enforcement (investigations and audits) is increasing.

We have a very informative area on our website  relating to this topic.  Please refer to our services and solutions and contact us if you require assistance with I-9 management, audits or training.

Heightened Security for H-1B Travelers Entering the USA

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) last week provided AILA (the American Immigration Lawyers Association) with information regarding enforcement issues at Newark Airport.  The CBP have been assisting ICE with an investigation of certain H-1B non-immigrants and particular employers who hire H-1B workers.  This created events where H-1B visa holders were detained as a result of  employers being under investigation by ICE.

This incident has been a strong reminder that non-immigrants in work-related status such as H-1B, L-1, E and O-1 classification should be prepared for the potential of additional scrutiny when entering the United States after travel abroad.  CBP will question arriving non-immigrants about their employer, and may request documentation to prove that the nonimmigrant is still employed according to the petition that was filed on their behalf.

The above-mentioned incident where CBP engaged in more extensive questioning, has caused many H-1B visa holders and their employers to have concern about documentation that their employees will need to re-enter the USA following foreign travel.

CBP does have the authority to inquire about these issues, however, recent events indicate that their line of questioning may become more extensive and may result in more situations where arriving employees will be put in secondary inspectionSecondary Inspection is where CBP officers wish to question the alien concerning their intent in the USA and conduct a more thorough interview and review any additional documentation that the individual may have brought with them, as well as information on electronic devices (cellphones and laptops).  They may even conduct Internet searches on the individual and the employer.  Therefore, employees entering the USA in H-1B classification or other employment based visas should be prepared for the possibility of additional scrutiny, and for the possibility of secondary inspection, regardless of where and when they enter – be it an airport or a land border.

We highly recommend that entering non-immigrants bring the following additional information with them in the event they are asked to produce evidence of their employment:

1)      Copies of 2 recent paycheck vouchers

2)      A copy of the USCIS petition that their status is based upon

3)      Current/Original I-797 approval notice

4)      A current letter of employment verification from a company officer or HR professional confirming job title and dates of employment  on business letterhead – is an excellent idea, as well.

We have heard recent reports that employers may also be contacted by CBP to confirm information related to the employment relationship and job duties.

We will provide updates to you on this issue and intend to monitor it very closely.  If you or your employees have encountered any additional scrutiny and would like to relay your experiences, please contact Immigration Solutions.

Teleconference Event: Tougher Standards for H-1B’s

Thursday, January 21st, 2010


When: Wednesday, February 10, 2010
11:00 a.m. – 12 noon PST
Click Here to view time conversion for your area


Reserve your space now | This will be a most informative teleconference that you will not want to miss.

Our Agenda will be as follows:

  • How to prepare for H-1B quota issues
  • Tougher standards (difficult RFEs)
  • We will review the new 19-page USCIS Memo regarding employer-employee relationships
  • Critical new information for Healthcare and IT staffing agencies
  • New Documentation Requirements
  • Comprehensive Immigration Reform and expectations for 2010
  • Open Q&A

In this conference, we will convey critical and comprehensive information to our clients and readership which we are making public and are offering at no charge.

In the last year, signs have been in place concerning greater enforcement and over-burdensome Requests For Evidence (RFE’s) by USCIS, including site visits by 4 federal agencies (USCIS, DHS, FDNS and DOL).  Higher standards are being imposed with each filing season for all employers who file H-1B petitions for degreed professionals.

We are seeing that this is not just taking place with H-1B initial filings, but with extensions, L visas and we have even heard of site visits to employers who filed O-1 petitions.

Our Featured Speaker: Thomas Joy, Supervising Attorney | Immigration Solutions

Immigration Solutions’ supervising attorney, Thomas Joy, will moderate this conference.  Mr. Joy has over 25 years’ practicing immigration law with some of the leading firms in the nation.  Mr. Joy has been interviewed on television regarding current immigration issues, has published articles on various current immigration concerns, and has conducted seminars for corporations, law firms and professional organizations, both in and outside of the USA. He travels throughout the USA and the world representing clients at USCIS offices and US embassies and consulates. In addition, he advises and accompanies employers and recruiters on international recruitment drives who seek the top candidates in the IT and healthcare industries.

About Us

Immigration Solutions continues to be at the cutting edge of developments in business immigration. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the solutions required today to circumvent the complexities of immigration law. We understand the challenges that you deal with on a daily basis and design practical and strategic business models to answer your needs. This focused approach produces win-win results for everyone!

If you are not yet a client of Immigration Solutions, we would be pleased to speak further with you concerning your needs, our services & solutions, and our newly developed corporate rates.

CIR ASAP Summary

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

There’s been alot of chatter today about the introduction of Rep. Gutierrez’ (D-IL) immigration bill that is called Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Safety and Protection (CIR ASAP).

Yesterday, Rep. Gutierrez stated, “We have waited patiently for a workable solution to our immigration crisis to be taken up by this Congress and our President.  The time for waiting is over.”

To address some of the key points:

Backlog Reduction: This would be  a recapture of unused employment-based visas from  previous years (1992 – 2008) with an allowance for future unused visas to roll over the next year; exempting spouses and children from the annual cap; increasing the country quotas; the ability to file for AOS (adjustment of status; i.e. green-cards) before a visa number is available by paying a fee of $500, even thought a visa cannot be issued until a visa number is available.  This does, however, allow for work authorization, travel authorization and maintenance of status.

Employment Verification: Would make E-Verify work verification mandatory for all employers by phasing in current employees and new hires; would impose additional pealties on employers’ failure to follow the E-Verify program.

H-1B and L-1 Nonimmigrant Visas: Would impose requirements on employers to recruit US workers before applying for an H-1B and would increa3se penalties for H-1B violations.  Would create penalties for L-1 violations.

The Undocumented: Would create a 6-year ‘conditional’ non-immigrant status for undocumented (illegal) foreign nationals in the USA.  This would include work authorization and travel authorization; would waive unlawful presence bars and provide a path to permanent residence (green-card) and citizenship.

The Immigration Policy Center has an excellent 6-page more detailed review of the bill which we link to.

AILA applauded the introduction of Rep. Gutierrez’ Bill and stated, “We know how dedicated Rep. gutierrez is to immigration reform,” commented Bernie Wolfsdorf, president of AILA.  “Gutierrez has long been a strong and vocal leader in the CIR movement.  We look forward to analyzing this new CIR bill and hope to work with him and other members of Congress to fix our nation’s dysfunctional immigration system and help spur the country back to economic recovery.”

AILA further stated:  Already, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and members of the Congressional Black Caucus have endorsed the bill as a solution to both stem illegal immigration and promote legal migration that will protect and strengthen our nation’s economic and national security.

Gutierrez explained at his press conference yesterday that the Senate will still take the lead on debating immigration reform with a bill to be introduced by Sen Charles Schumer (D-NY), Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration.  Janet Napolitano (DHS Secretary) has indicated that they have provided extensive technical assistance to Schumer and his staff as they draft the bill that is predicted to be introduced early 2010.

We will continue to report on any and all news and progress on the immigration reform front.

If you’re interested in more reading….Homeland Security Today NY Times ABC News The Hill

Yamato Engine Specialists’ Workers Deported

Saturday, December 5th, 2009

First they were arrested and faced deportation under what has proven to be the Obama administration’s only workplace raid.  Then they were given work permits and told they could stay in the USA while their employer was prosecuted…

Now, the more than 2 dozen undocumented workers arrested during the February raid are again facing deportation.

The deportations and likely removals are a conclusion to a case that displeased both advocates for illegal immigrants and those who lobby for stricter immigration enforcement.

In this case – the company, the workers and even the Seattle US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office that conducted the raid came in for some sort of punishment or special scrutiny

Shortly following the raid, ICE officials traded urgent emails going over Q&A sent by an apparently miffed White House, according to emails obtained by the AP through a federal records request.

In all, 27 workers have been deported; 7 have been allowed to leave the country voluntarily and 15 await court dates with an immigration judge, said ICE spokeswoman Lorie Dankers.

Read more

DHS Announces 1,000 new I-9 Audits

Monday, November 30th, 2009

[Courtesy of Tracker Corp]    On November 19, 2009, DHS announced issuance of 1,000 additional I-9 Audit notices to employers across the country, focusing in particular on those providing critical infrastructure and other key resources. This is on top of the 654 I-9 audit notices issued earlier this year. Speaking at a workforce symposium in Washington, DC, Assistant Secretary John Morton (of Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE]) reiterated the agency’s commitment to creating a culture of voluntary compliance through aggressive investigations and outreach programs. Assistant Secretary Morton also provided recent statistics, showing the increased level of investigations and fines:

Enforcement Since April 30, 2009 All of FY 2008
Form I-9 Inspections 1,069 503
Total Fines Assessed $15,865,181 (142 notices) $2,355,330 (32 notices)
Final Orders $798,179 (45 orders) $196,523
Cases Initiated 1,897 605
Debarred from federal contracts 45 businesses/47 individuals 0 businesses/1 individual

DHS also released statistics from the 654 notices sent in July 2009. The ICE agents identified roughly 14,000 suspect documents, assessed over $2 million in fines, and issued warnings to 326 employers.

We link to the press release announcing these findings.  We link to more details on the locations of the 1,000 companies in the latest round of audits

3 Types of USCIS Site Visits

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Cite as “AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 09112060 (posted Nov. 20, 2009)”

At a November 19, 2009, program put on by the Department of Homeland Security, titled “2009 Government and Employers: Working Together to Ensure a Legal Workforce,” Ronald Atkinson, Chief of Staff of USCIS’ Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) office, explained the three types of site visits that are currently being conducted:

1. Risk Assessment Program fraud study. Applicable to any type of benefit program, including family and employment-based, this study is part of a joint program between USCIS and ICE. Applications and petitions are chosen at random, usually on a post-approval basis, for visits to help in designing profiles of potential fraud.

2. Targeted site visits. These visits take place where fraud is suspected, and consist of a visit to ask questions. Advance notice, including notice to counsel, is supposed to be provided.

3. Administrative site visits. These relate to religious worker and H-1B petitions. They generally are conducted by contractors who know nothing of immigration law. Religious worker visits are performed under the regulations for that category.  For H-1B site visits, the contractors have been equipped with a set of specific questions, and all employers/beneficiaries should be asked pretty much the same questions, primarily reaching the issues of whether there’s really an employer there, whether the employer knows it filed the petition, and whether the beneficiary is doing the work and receiving the wage indicated on the petition. H-1B visits are done on a post-adjudication basis, and are randomly selected. Each employer should receive only one such visit, but may receive different visits for different sites.

If you would like more information as to how handle a site visit, what type of information should be organized and readily available, please contact Immigration Solutions.