Archive for the ‘Department Of Homeland Security (DHS)’ Category

Form I-9/E-Verify News: FBI & ICE Serve TX Surveyors 20 Counts, $5M in Fines and 100 Years in Prison for 19 Illegal Workers

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

By:  Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

“Homeland Security Investigations is committed to holding businesses and their managers accountable when they knowingly hire an illegal workforce,” –John Kelleghan, Special Agent in charge of HSI Philadelphia.

Homeland Security, the FBI, and ICE did much more than hold GPX/GPX, USA, a seismic surveying company and their field supervisor, Donald Wiggill, “accountable,” by charging the company with a total maximum fine of $10 million, a probation term of five years on each count, and a special assessment totaling $8,000; Wiggill faces an unconscionable indictment of 100 years in prison on all 20 counts, a fine of $5 million, a supervised release term of 60 years, and a special assessment of $2,000. The Texas based company failed to verify the immigration status of nineteen employees and did not prepare the required Form I-9 and supporting documentation concerning the immigrants’ authorization to work in the United States.

John Kelleghan of Homeland Security further justified the Philadelphia HSI decision to levy such harsh punishment for I-9 non-compliance saying, “HSI and our law enforcement partners will continue to ensure that employers follow our nation’s hiring laws, which ultimately protect job opportunities for the nation’s legal workers, and levels the playing field for those businesses that play by the rules.”

The proportionality of the punishment sought for the crime is extremely shocking. Our blog has recently covered the penalties imposed upon, HerbCo, Chipotle, and most recently ABC Tree Professionals, which pale in comparison to the punishment GPX is now facing.

GPX is being treated like a national security threat for mishandling nineteen employees Form I-9s. The difference between thousands of dollars versus millions of dollars in fines, in addition to 100 years of jail time, is the involvement of the FBI and the Homeland Security. GPX is charged with harboring and transporting illegal aliens and conspiracy to commit those offenses as outlined in an indictment by the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Peter J. Smith. Whether GPX was honestly aware of their employees’ immigration status is still unknown, however proper planning and implementation of I-9 compliance would have saved the company millions in civil penalties and avoided a hundred years of jail time. With the stakes elevated so tremendously high by this multi-departmental crackdown on workforce compliance –  who can afford not to get their legal documents in order?

To protect your business and your employees please contact one of our immigration professionals at or call 562 612.3996.

Senators Support STEM Immigration Bill | Immigration Compliance Group News

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

By:  Timothy Sutton, Communications Editor

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has introduced a Senate Bill named S.3217 Startup 2.0, a bill to jump-start economic recovery through the formation and growth of new business, and for other purposes. Numerous senators support Startup 2.0, which will infuse the skilled labor market with an additional 50,000 visas for immigrants with post-baccalaureate degrees in any field listed with the Department of Homeland Security STEM Designated Degree Program (science, computers, and medicine). Applicants can be students seeking degrees or professionals practicing in any of the enumerated STEM fields.

Additionally, Startup 2.0 allocates 75,000 visas for qualified entrepreneurs who (1) hold a nonimmigrant visa or have or will complete a STEM listed degree, (2) register a business that employs two or more full-time non-relative employees and invests or raises at least $100,000 that (3) grows the business to an average of five employees within a three year period.

At first glance, Startup 2.0 is a positive indicator that immigration reform may be shifting toward pro-business legislation. This bill would create access to citizenship for educated foreign entrepreneurs who may lack the funding necessary to apply for an EB-5.  Startup 2.0 may also free up the quota on H1-B visas, particularly the Master’s degree exception. The current H1-B quotas as of May 18, 2012 are 42,000 for the H-1B regular cap (65,000 quota) and 16,000 for the US Master’s Degree cap (20,000 quota).  The cap is expected to be reached within 2-3 weeks.

To stay informed about the latest immigration news and updates subscribe to our blog and immigration and I-9 newsletters here.

E-Verify Privacy Issues | News from Immigration Compliance Group

Friday, April 27th, 2012

One of the most important questions in the mind of both employer and employee is:  What if information about the employee is wrong – can they fix inaccurate information about themselves in E-Verify?

If E-Verify is unable to automatically verify an individual’s status in order to authorize employment, a Status Verifier will manually review the information and conduct searches of other Federal government databases and, where necessary, will update any underlying information contained within the various DHS databases queried.  After a result is returned on an employment authorization query, E-Verify provides two methods of information correction and redress for employees.  If an employee receives a Tentative Non Confirmation, or TNC, they may correct their information through the Social Security Administration (SSA) or DHS.

After the verification process is complete, individuals have the opportunity to access and correct their information through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA) process.

We link to more E-Verify Privacy FAQs and our I-9 Employer Resource Center

Immigration Compliance Group specializes in business immigration and employer compliance matters related to audits, training and policy development.


H-1B Visa: USCIS Revises FAQs on Employer-Employee Relationship for 3rd Party Placements

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

On March 12, 2012 USCIS revised the FAQs that reference the Jan 8, 2010 Donald Neufeld Memo that relates to the employer-employee relationship in adjudicating H-1B Petitions for 3rd Party Jobsite Placements. This topic is still very complex and greatly impacts the IT, healthcare and staffing agency industries in their ability to file for H-1B visa petitions on behalf of foreign professionals.  We link above to this updated guidance, and  remind you that our office is available to assist you with your H-1B case filings as it relates to these and other industries. If you have any questions pertaining to this topic or any other matter, please contact us.

I-9 News Update: Industries that ICE is Targeting

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

We have heard many recent reports that ICE will step up the pressure on its I-9 Field Agents to surpass the number of I-9 audits they performed in 2011, and that they will be looking at various industries such as employers in critical food, energy, and infrastructure industries. In June 2011, ICE did not specify which businesses would be specifically targeted, but did say that immigration agents would focus on seventeen sectors including agriculture, financial services, nuclear reactors, water treatment, and health care.

It has been recently reported by the Farm Employer’s Labor Service (FELS) that the  EVP of NCAE (National Council of Agricultural Employers) was informed by credible sources that ICE field agents will once again focus their I-9 audit investigations on high-profile agriculture and restaurant employers to surpass their 2,496  I-9 audits and 3,291 work site enforcement cases conducted in 2011.  More specifically, they are again (no surprise) targeting high-profile/maximum press coverage employers, the biggest farms and restaurants, and employers who were previously audited and/or had issues with DOL or DHS in the past –  who can now expect to be be revisited in 2012.

With good faith effort being one of the most important rules applied in ICE enforcement audits and investigations, it is recommend that all employers get their ‘houses in order’ as it relates to I-9 employment verification eligibility compliance.  We would strongly suggest that you put your emphasis on  retaining an outside expert to perform a thorough I-9 audit of your active and inactive I-9 forms to really get a handle on problems and reoccurring issues buried in your I-9 forms.  This step alone can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars, as well as the potential of losing employees and recruitment and re-training costs.  Then get your staff trained and don’t let anyone not properly trained be involved with hands-on I-9 functions.  Next, establish a written compliance statement outlining the SOP that your company will follow — a plan that makes sense for your business……then implement it, and be diligent in your efforts to create and maintain  a compliant workforce showing a good faith effort to comply with I-9 regulations to the best of your knowledge and ability.  Lastly, avail yourself of reliable information from skilled professionals that report on compliance issues – subscribe to a newsletter and a blog so that you can stay ahead of the game.  You should check out our free information – both blog and newsletters.

We invite you to contact our firm to discuss your compliance issues, or call 562 612.3996.


Immigration Compliance Group focuses its practice on corporate employment verification compliance and US and Canadian inbound business immigration.   Our team has a depth of experience in providing uniquely tailored services and solutions to assist clients in developing comprehensive employment authorization and immigration-related compliance.  We conduct onsite and offsite  I-9 audits for companies of all sizes, design training curriculum to assure that staff is knowledgeable concerning the  management of their I-9 program, and we assist with policy development so that our clients have a plan and strategy that assures their compliance in a manner that makes sense for their business and evidences their good faith in establishing a compliant workforce.

Tips for H-1B Visa Petition Approvals

Monday, February 27th, 2012

With H-1B filing season upon us as of April 2, 2012, we take this opportunity to remind you that although there has been slow but steady economic recovery over the last few years, the H-1B cap is expected to be reached much faster this year.  This, coupled with a recent NFAP Policy Report Analysis released this month citing case denial rates of 17% with a staggering RFE (Request for Evidence) rate of 36%, sends a clear, “culture of no” message that USCIS is making it more difficult for skilled foreign nationals to work in the USA with increasing denial rates for both the H-1B and L-1 visa programs.  All the more reason to be relying on experienced business immigration council for your case filings.

The NFAP report states, “Employers report the time lost due to the increase in denials and Requests for Evidence are costing them millions of dollars in project delays and contract penalties, while aiding competitors that operate exclusively outside the United States beyond the reach of USCIS adjudicators and U.S. consular officers.”

Small to medium-size companies and IT consultants and staffing agencies often bear the burden of these overbearing RFE’s.  Working with smart immigration practitioners and preparing your case strategy in advance to address both your strengths and weaknesses, will pay off greatly.  Here are some tips that we highly recommend be incorporated in your filings:

1)     Incorporate a detailed brochure and description of the employer’s products or services and why you require a professional with a bachelor’s degree to perform the offered position.  Include promotional materials, press releases or news articles to illustrate the nature of the business, new trends and growth factors in your business that substantiate the offered position.

2)     Include a copy of your corporate tax return or financial statements to evidence profit and business stablity

3)     Explain in detail why the position cannot be performed by an employee without a bachelor’s degree; i.e. is it standard in your industry?  Provide detail (such as examples of work to be done) concerning the complexity of the position

4)     Provide a real, detailed job description with the percentage of time spent on the duties of the position, the qualifications and special skills required to perform the job.  Further explain any discretionary judgment that the employee will have in their job and other such areas of responsibility that are demanding or highly advanced

5)     Provide evidence that you have a current and past practice of hiring bachelor’s degree employees for the subject position

6)     IT and staffing agencies must be prepared to evidence the “employer-employee relationship” in H-1B offsite placement work situations by clearly evidencing the employer’s ability to “hire, pay, fire, supervise, or otherwise control the work of the employee. (based upon the January 8, 2010 Neufeld Memorandum).

If you’d like to set up a time to discuss your case with our office or to engage our services, please feel free to contact us.

USCIS and White House Officials Head to Silicon Valley for IT Summit

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

Top officials from the White House and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are in Silicon Valley for the week to solicit viewpoints and input from the start-up community on how the administration can improve the way it hands out visas to talented entrepreneurs who’ve landed funding to create new companies.  While Obama is asking the question how he can improve the immigration process for foreign entrepreneurs, he’s stating to UniVision, “I’ve got 5 years left to solve immigration.”  Our question is, must we really remain in the dark ages for 5 more years?

The article states that comprehensive immigration reform legislation continues to remain stalled in congress, as is specific bi-partisan legislation that attempts to address some of these start-up visa issues. So the Obama administration is left trying to make the most of the rules that it currently has on the books by re-interpreting a more accommodating implementation of those rules with fresh information gathered from the field.   The consensus is that Obama lacks the conviction to use his executive authority in an election year on controversial immigration issues, and that this is simply PR.  We say — this is exactly the time for him to use his executive authority anywhere he possibly can concerning immigration reform.   We shall see if anything comes of this.  More on this here.

Global Entry Program: International Travel Made Easy

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

It was announced that the very successful Global Entry Pilot Program designed for expedited  immigration and customs processing for pre-approved, low risk frequent international travelers in some 20 US international airports, as well as pre-flight inspection stations at selected Canadian airports, will now be a permanent CBP program as of March 7, 2012.  CBP will also expand the program to include children under the age of 14, who were previously ineligible to participate.

US citizens who are members of the CBP Global Entry, NEXUS, and SENTRI Trusted Traveler programs are eligible to participate in TSA’s program, as well as legal permanent residents, Mexican citizens, and Dutch citizens who are members of Privium, the Netherlands’ trusted traveler program. Expansion to other countries is anticipated as a part of President Obama’s recent executive order aimed at spurring U.S. tourism.

At airports, program participants proceed to Global Entry kiosks, present their machine-readable passport or U.S. permanent resident card, place their fingertips on the scanner for fingerprint verification, and make a customs declaration. The kiosk issues the traveler a transaction receipt and directs the traveler to baggage claim and the exit.

Benefits of signing up:

  • No processing lines
  • No paperwork
  • Access to expedited entry benefits in other countries
  • Available at major U.S. airports
  • Reduced wait times

Should you have any questions or wish assistance with the application process please contact our office.

Update: What’s the Current Immigration Enforcement Climate?

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

It has been recently reported that ICE is launching another round of worksite investigations, but this time, returning to employers that have already been through a federal investigative audit in the last three years.  We’ve not seen this before. Approximately 500 employers are being re-visited by ICE Special Agents to confirm that non-compliant activity identified during prior audits has been resolved.

Employers must make sure they are hiring only people who can work legally in the U.S. Businesses that previously have received warning letters or administrative fines may now be the subject of yet more fines if ICE Special Agents determine that  the employer continues to make the same mistakes.

Bear in mind, that several Federal agencies have the authority to review your I-9 forms, these agencies consist of ICE, The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) and the DOL, Wage and Hour Division.  Each of these agencies investigate violations in the I-9 process, and we strongly advise that employers need to be prepared for a visit from any one of them.

ICE has recently announced their enforcement related statistics in the area of I-9 compliance for 2011, as follows:

  • 2,496 I-9 audits were conducted
  • 3,291 worksite enforcement cases were initiated
  • Criminally arrested 221 employers
  • Issued 385 Final Orders for $10.4+ million in fines; and
  • Debarred 115 individuals and 97 businesses

These enforcement statistics should indeed be troubling to employers, particularly given that  they don’t reflect the number of ICE notices (such as the Notice of Discrepancies or Notice of Suspect Documents) that are sent to employers, who are otherwise compliant, but may have accepted fraudulent documents or whose employees may have purchased the identity of a US citizen for work authorization purposes, despite your best efforts.  As a result of this, employers across the country have had to terminate thousands of employees and incur the expense of hiring and training new employees.

ICE expects to audit some 3,000 employers in 2012.  We recommend that you hire experts in the field to conduct either a partial or full audit, depending upon your circumstances, train personnel who are charged with the processing of your I-9 forms, and develop a written policy statement that reflects your goals for remaining compliant.

Expansion of the Global Entry Program

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The Global Entry program has been extremely successful and enables expedited processing of pre-approved, low-risk, frequent travelers arriving in the USA through some 131 kiosks set up at 20 airports. The Kiosks have been used 1.7 million times, saving CBP officers over 36,450 inspection hours—staff hours that CBP has then re-allocated to expedite regular passenger queues.

The program will now expand to 4 more airports:  Minneapolis, Charlotte, Denver and Phoenix, making the Global Entry program and expedited clearance available in airports that service approximately 97% of international travelers.  For more , and here, too