Breaking down the Problems of Immigration Reform

Today we participated in a very informative conference sponsored by the Immigration Policy Center, the research division of the American Immigration Law Foundation, where they introduced a Special Report that addresses what’s wrong with our immigration system and how to fix it.

This special report looks at the impact our outdated and inefficient immigration system is having on our nation and discusses the failures of the system under two broad categories: structural failure and inadequate responses.

“We are embarking on a new round of immigration reform debates and to accomplish genuine reform, we must understand that immigration is about more than the 11-12 million people living without status in our country” said Mary Giovagnoli, Director of the Immigration Policy Center. “That group is a symptom of our failure to create an immigration system that works for the needs of America. It is time to shift the terms of the debate. We need to begin a discussion about what living without a functional immigration system has done to our nation over the last 20 years. We need to begin to ask the question: how is it in all our interests to reform immigration?”

We link to the Report above and encourage your comments

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